X-Men ’97 Finally Features The Marvel Crossover We’ve Been Waiting For – SlashFilm


If Cap comes back, or we get even more Avengers cameos in “X-Men ’97,” is there a way to bridge this divide?

In 2012, Marvel began publishing the title “Uncanny Avengers” (initially written by Rick Remender). In this book, the Avengers admit they’ve largely failed their mutant colleagues in the past. Their solution is a new team, the Avengers Unity Squad, which combines members of the Avengers (Captain America, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, and Wonder Man) and the X-Men (Rogue, Wolverine, Havok, and Sunfire). During Mike Carey’s run on “X-Men Legacy,” Rogue — who spent so long needing guidance — learned to be a leader (while hooking up with Magneto). She carried those lessons during “Uncanny Avengers.” I’d love to see that growth for my favorite flying southern belle in “X-Men ’97.”

On the other hand, “Uncanny Avengers” becomes (intentionally or not) a story about minority assimilation. Adding mutants to the Avengers line-up is meant to win the X-Men public support by association. This is not the kind of tolerance endorsed by “X-Men ’97” so far; rather, differences should be acknowledged and are not cause for hatred. In issue #5, Havok tells a press conference he wants the term “mutant” (the “m” word) to be discarded altogether, which reads much like facile pleas for colorblindness. The issue caused a stir among X-Men fans.

As superhero fans, it’s fun to throw our favorite action figures together. However, we could all be well-served to think through what such stories mean.

“X-Men ’97” is streaming on Disney+, with new episodes released on Wednesdays.

#XMen #Finally #Features #Marvel #Crossover #Weve #Waiting #SlashFilm