Glen Powell Stars In The True Story Of A Fake Hit Man In Netflix’s Hit Man Trailer – SlashFilm


The new trailer for “Hit Man” does a fantastic job of highlighting the stranger-than-fiction story, as well as Glen Powell’s acting chops. It goes deeper into the plot than the first trailer, highlighting the many different personalities Powell’s character, Gary Johnson, embodies while on the job as well as the variety of silly costumes he uses.

As for the plot, the trailer focuses on the romance Gary gets involved with once he meets Madison (Adria Arjona), a woman who falls for one of Gary’s fake hit man personas. They meet when she asks Gary’s persona Ron to kill her husband before changing her mind … and then her husband really turns up dead. The result is a clever, hilarious, hot romantic comedy with one hell of a star-making performance at its center.

“Hit Man” will be released in select theaters on May 24, 2024, before it premieres on Netflix on June 7, 2024. 

Here’s the synopsis for “Hit Man.”

When the most sought-after, albeit least trustworthy, hitman in Houston breaks protocol to help a desperate woman trying to get away from an abusive boyfriend, he finds himself living the life of one of his false personas, falling for the woman and flirting with becoming a criminal himself.

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